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So who am I…

I am a nursing student at the end of the beginning. Basically, the BSN program I’m in is 6 semesters long and I am in the 6th semester. I’m very excited and nervous all at the same time!

I am mom to a couple of really great kids! Juggling motherhood and nursing school has proven to be a challenge… but it’s something I’ve learned to do. I had to! Because at the end of 3 years I want to be sure my kids still know who I am!

I’d never heard of WordPress before, until a good friend of mine told me about his blog. So I wandered over here to see what it was all about. Immediately I found myself engrossed in all the nursing blogs… what a great way to share experiences! Even the day-to-day stuff was interesting to read. I’m not sure my stories will be very exciting, but what the hey!

Oh and privacy is really important to me… so I won’t be disclosing too much info about where I live, etc. (I’m not sure I’ll be blogging about my kids either… that’s still up in the air. That includes me answering any questions about them. I’m kinda careful about that sort of thing.) As for any cases I come across, names and other identifiers will be omitted to respect the privacy of those involved.

Welcome to my blog.



1. mindexplosion - January 24, 2010

Hi and good luck!! I stumbled across your blog today and will be adding it to my blogroll. Can’t wait to read more!

futurenightnurse - January 24, 2010

Hey thanks! =)

2. wilomis - February 17, 2010

Awesome.. thank you for the support. I’ll add you as well glad to build the army of nurses up!

3. Itsjustme - February 17, 2010

Thanks for your comment on my blog! Count me an as one of your followers now as well!

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